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How we made it

Purified grew from a conversation with my dear friends Grace Jackson and Taka George. We were catching up for the first time in a while, and ended up talking about a friend of mine who was struggling to let go of the things that were getting them down. The song flowed out of us and became about our own experiences and the experiences of our friends, reassuring each other that life is pure and good at the heart of it.

We all have times when we need to let go of the darkness we carry, through dancing all night, through swimming with friends in a cold river, through dmc's late at night on the kitchen floor.


Check below for some photos and videos of the process by Grace. 




Wild Swimming

As you may know, I love wild swimming. There's something so pure and grounding about submerging in nature. Watching the ducks and moorhens float alongside, living their simple but difficult lives. Catching glints of electric blue dragonflies flitting between the reeds and leaves on the banks.


The cold water sets off a kind of magic. A reminder of how strong and powerful my body really is, feeling the rush of warmth as my body self regulates. 


My love for a wild swim began during summer 2020 when my sister,  bandmates and I were all living together. It was that gorgeously hot summer and we were all desperate for a beach day. The four of us packed a picnic and ventured out to 'Frensham Ponds' just half an hour away from home. A gorgeous man-made pond surrounded by sandy beaches and lovely tall trees.

We set up camp in a little opening of the reeds surrounded by a little grove of trees. 

This trip sparked a whole string of wild swimming adventures. In rivers, the sea and freezing welsh waterfalls, at all times of year. 

When I eventually settle down I dream of having somewhere walking distance from home that I can frequent, maybe a river in the garden, maybe the sea just over the hill. What bliss that would be. 

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